How do I find out if the game is cancelled?
What is the forfeit policy?
It’s cold outside – can I wear a sweatshirt / jacket / pullover / zip up over my uniform?
Since the SSC is a uniformed league, all sweatshirts/jackets must be worn under your uniform. The uniform must be in clear view in order to play (even zip ups that are just over the shoulders will not be permitted unless they are underneath the SSC uniform.
I forgot my uniform at home (or picked the wrong uniform). Can I play?
The SSC is a uniformed league, so all players must be in the current season’s shirt to participate. Without one, you must switch out jerseys with a teammate when you are on the field of play. You will be roster-checked to ensure you are on the team (for liability purposes).
How do payments work?
Captains can choose to take care of the full team balance and manually collect money from their teammates, or only pay a deposit and have players pay their share of the team balance through TeamPayer.
NOTE: The card used for the deposit will NOT be charged again by LoneStar SSC unless there is a remaining balance after T-Shirt Pickup.
A credit card is needed to complete your registration. All individuals are subject to a $1.95 conveneince fee. NO REFUNDS are offered for any reason other than if we are unable to place you on a team.
What if I know I’m going to have to miss a game or two during the season, can I still participate?
Yes, just be sure to inform your teammates.
Can I still sign up if it says sold out?
Can I play two sports at once?
You can play as many sports at once as you would like, provided you are not on two different teams in the same sport on the same night. However, you could play the same sport on two different nights (ex. Tuesday & Thursday kickball).
How do I find out when a new league opens?
The deadline to register has passed. Can I add another player?
Can I request a specific color for our uniforms?
Yes, full teams are asked for their top three choices when signing up but there is no guarantee that a uniform request will be granted (priority for colors are based on a first come first serve basis).
How does the waitlist work and how do I improve my chances of being placed?
If I sign up as an individual, am I guaranteed placement?
Usually we have enough room for everyone if you sign up on time. Since we are unable to determine the number of males & females to sign up for a particular sport until after registration ends, we cannot predict if everyone will be placed. If you are not placed initially then you will be put on a wait list.
When do I find out what team I’m on?
You will receive an email 2-3 days before the posted happy hour date. You can also view your roster in League Lab.
How do I message my team?
You can message your team through your league dashboard in League Lab.
What is your refund policy?
How do I sign up?
From the sanantoniossc.com menu, go to a sports registration page and scroll down to the sport you would like to play. There is a registration link in each listed item that will take you to our partner site (League Lab) to start the registration and payment process.
How do payments work?
Captains can choose to take care of the full team balance and manually collect money from their teammates, or only pay a deposit and have players pay their share of the team balance through TeamPayer.
NOTE: The card used for the deposit will NOT be charged again by LoneStar SSC unless there is a remaining balance after T-Shirt Pickup.
A credit card is needed to complete your registration. All individuals are subject to a $1.95 conveneince fee. NO REFUNDS are offered for any reason other than if we are unable to place you on a team.
What if I have one or more friends who want to play, but not a full team?

How do I add players to my team?

How does registration pricing work?
EARLY BIRD pricing is offered as a perk for our returning members who are generally the first to know of registration openings. During this period team members can enjoy the convenience of online processing without any fee.
REGULAR pricing is offered for those teams who might like more time to recruit and organize their team members.
It’s cold outside – can I wear a sweatshirt / jacket / pullover / zip up over my uniform?
Since the SSC is a uniformed league, all sweatshirts/jackets must be worn under your uniform. The uniform must be in clear view in order to play (even zip ups that are just over the shoulders will not be permitted unless they are underneath the SSC uniform.
I forgot my uniform at home (or picked the wrong uniform). Can I play?
The SSC is a uniformed league, so all players must be in the current season’s shirt to participate. Without one, you must switch out jerseys with a teammate when you are on the field of play. You will be roster-checked to ensure you are on the team (for liability purposes).
Can I give my shirt to someone else and have them play for me if I know I’m going to miss a game?
No, only players on your roster are allowed to participate for liability purposes.
Can I request a specific color for our uniforms?
Yes, full teams are asked for their top three choices when signing up but there is no guarantee that a uniform request will be granted (priority for colors are based on a first come first serve basis).
What if I need to request a shirt?
What if my uniform doesn’t fit or is lost?
After uniforms have been handed out, there will be a $10 fee to have uniforms replaced if lost or a new size is needed.
Can I request a certain time for games?
What are the tie-breakers for playoff seeding?
Tie-breaking procedures are located at the bottom of the rules page for each sport.
Who qualifies for playoffs?
The number of teams to advance varies per seasons based on field availability and the number of teams in the league. A team generally must have a .500 record or better to be eligible for playoffs.
When will the schedule be up?
Schedules will be posted no later than 48 hours before the league start date, which can be found on your dashboard. Only the week one and two schedules will be posted prior to the start of the season. The rest of the season’s schedule will be posted after the second week of games (the reason for this is to ensure all teams are playing in the correct division).
How do I find out if the game is cancelled?
How can I get to my schedule more quickly?
Can I request a certain time for games?
Can we bring alcohol to the field?
Many (but not all) outdoor sports permit drinks at the field, provided they comply with the park’s “no visibility” policy. Thus, all drinks must be in colored (clear cups are not permitted) plastic cups and beer cases cannot be displayed. Coolers are permitted. Glass is PROHIBITED at all venues. -You cannot bring alcohol to most indoor sports.
What type of equipment do I need?
There are only two sports that require you to have equipment. For Soccer, all players must have their own shin guards. For Softball, all players must have a glove (and a team bat). For other outdoor sports we recommend cleats, but they are not required.
It’s cold outside – can I wear a sweatshirt / jacket / pullover / zip up over my uniform?
Since the SSC is a uniformed league, all sweatshirts/jackets must be worn under your uniform. The uniform must be in clear view in order to play (even zip ups that are just over the shoulders will not be permitted unless they are underneath the SSC uniform.
I forgot my uniform at home (or picked the wrong uniform). Can I play?
The SSC is a uniformed league, so all players must be in the current season’s shirt to participate. Without one, you must switch out jerseys with a teammate when you are on the field of play. You will be roster-checked to ensure you are on the team (for liability purposes).
What is the post-game happy hour all about?
Only half the fun is on the playing field. Afterwards, we coordinate a post-game bar which will always feature drink specials, have food available, and give players a chance to interact with teammates, opponents, and new friends.
What is the forfeit policy?
How do I find out if the game is cancelled?
If the cancellation is due to inclement weather, please call our weather line at (214) 666-6983 or check Facebook for updates. The best way to stay up to date on cancellations is to sign up for the Rainout Line. If inclement weather begins before 5pm, only the weather phone number and Rainout Line will be updated. If inclement weather begins after 5pm, only the weather phone number will be updated.
How do I message my team?
You can message your team through your league dashboard in League Lab.
How can I contact an SSC representitive?
Can we switch divisions?
If you feel as if you are wrongly placed into a division after the first game then you may email in a request. We will do our best to accommodate however cannot guarantee the switch.
Can we bring alcohol to the field?
Many (but not all) outdoor sports permit drinks at the field, provided they comply with the park’s “no visibility” policy. Thus, all drinks must be in colored (clear cups are not permitted) plastic cups and beer cases cannot be displayed. Coolers are permitted. Glass is PROHIBITED at all venues. -You cannot bring alcohol to most indoor sports.
Will our team have practice?
The SSC does not coordinate practices for teams; however, you are more than welcome to set up something for your team on your own. Our fields are for game use only.
Where can I find the rules on each sport?
What if I know I’m going to have to miss a game or two during the season, can I still participate?
Yes, just be sure to inform your teammates.
How can I stay informed?
From the LoneStar SSC website, click the “Get Alerts” button at the top of the page to navigate to our Alerts Page. Here we offer multiple options for keeping up with SSC News.
- RAINOUTS – To receive the most up to date rainout information by text or mobile, register for Rainout Line…IT’S FREE!
- LEAGUE NEWS – To customize the news that you receive by email, simply check the box next to all the sports and/or events that interest you.
- SOCIAL MEDIA – To be the first to see photos, discounts, contests, and special event notices, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
How do I message my team?
You can message your team through your league dashboard in League Lab.